Thursday, February 3, 2011


I'll just write something quick today.  How do people find the time to plan and cook meals all the time? I wish I had that talent... Eating out is so much easier and eating in seems to be just as expensive sometimes! Anyways, I admire all the mom's, girfriends,& wives who do all that. And maybe I'm being sexist but come on, do you know any dudes who plan, shop, and cook all the meals?

love Cassie

1 comment:

  1. I am a crazy person and I plan out 2 weeks worth of dinners at a time. Then I make a shopping list and hit 3 stores. It has taken me awhile to get it down, but I love getting it out of the way. I usually have a day when I do most of the cooking- freezer meals and I have a Foodsaver so I cook all our meat and portion it out into freezer bags so when it's time to make dinner it only takes about a half hour.
